Life Should #4

Be Humble in Life

No one, and I mean NO ONE (except a true victim) is entitled.

This is a hot button for me.  I wholeheartedly believe entitlement is detrimental to all aspects of our lives.  Personal relationships, professional relationships, really any kind of relationship or interaction can be negatively affected by a sense of entitlement.  It breeds resentment among those it is applied to most and selfishness and a level of hubris in those assuming entitlement.  As often discussed, in today’s world it seems as if we are creating a generation of entitled people by choosing - whether it be because of apathy, exhaustion or just plain not paying attention - a lack of discipline, expectation and ramifications on our young people.  I do not believe we need to go back to the days of kids up before dawn working in the fields or in the cities peddling papers, but I do believe we may have gone too far in coddling our youth, much to their own detriment.  

We all deserve the memories of pride, achievement and confidence we create after having worked hard individually, and as part of a team, to accomplish our goal (whether it be our first paycheck from a paper route, or saving some money or losing, trying again, and eventually winning).   How sad it is to think some people will never experience that kind of personal fulfillment.

{Consider while enjoying a piece of humble Apple Pie}