Who, Me?

About my qualifications (or lack thereof)

One day I woke up and realized, those ladies I'm always judging from afar with too much time on their hands, was me!  I'm not sure how it happened.  I grew up with a single mother who, although highly educated and hardworking, was far from well off.  Don't get me wrong, I was privileged by the standards of many.  We had enough for a house to live in, food in the refrigerator, clothes (not fancy but never lacking a warm jacket), everything we needed; just not much left over.  My sister and I were educated with minimal debt, an amazing accomplishment in this day and age.  Somehow, my mother just made it work.  I tried to follow her example and have worked all my life.  Then one day, I didn't.  A hardcore career woman was all of a sudden, not.  My husband does well for us and I regularly wonder how I got so lucky.  How do I fill my time now, by telling people, mostly my step kids and other family members, what to do.  I also tell people what to do in my volunteer job.  Basically, I think I am very good at telling people what to do.  Hence this new website.  I am less good at knowing what to do for myself.  But that's an entirely different topic.  As the saying goes, "do as I say, not as I do". 

However, I do believe I have some basis for assuming you should listen to me.  Although we were not wealthy, we were raised with high standards of expectation of  ourselves. Basically, ensure everything you did was appropriate.  Much to the chagrin of my own family, this carries over to lots of "shoulds" and absolute confidence in my own perspective.

Other than that, I have no qualifications whatsoever to give out advice or comment.  Yet, that is the beauty of absolute confidence in one's own judgment, I assume it is superb.   

Just so you know, the above photo is not me but I think it fits my rather vainglorious theme, don't you agree?  Coincidentally, I also have dark hair and enjoy wearing pearls. This is me: