Life Should #3
Be Humble in Business
Everyone is replaceable
Key point here, everyone is replaceable. I don't care if you are POTUS, the Pope or the highest paid executive in the world; you are still replaceable. Why do I emphasize this? Because remembering this one fact will keep egotism and superiority in-check. It encourages motivation, drive and collaboration as avenues to success. It reminds us that we are not so important that we can disregard Life's Shoulds #s 1, 4, 5, 9, 15, 17 and 19. Yep, that's a lot of them.
I once asked an incredibly successful businessman what he believed was his most important factor to success. The response? "Being genuine". It is so simple yet so often ignored. Spend some time thinking about it. Being genuine is the simplest thing we can do in life. it can lead to being humble. It most definitely leads to, wait for it, Life Should #1.
{Thought to be considered with some Biscotti and an espresso}